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Health Benefits of drinking cold water

Most people know that drinking water is important and an average human needs to drink around 2 liters, or 8 glasses of water a day to stay hydrated.

However, what many people don’t know is that the temperature of the water you drink can also have an impact on your health.

The Benefits of Drinking Cold Water

Drinking cold water can have some amazing top 15 benefits for your health including:

1. Drinking cold water can help you stay alert:

Water is essential for our bodies to function properly and one of the functions it helps with is keeping us alert. When you drink cold water, your body has to use energy to warm up the water which in turn can help to keep you awake and focused.

2. Drinking cold water can help you lose weight:

Many people often mistake thirst for hunger and end up eating when all their body is really craving is a glass of water. When you feel hungry, have a glass of cold water first and wait a few minutes to see if the feeling goes away. If it doesn’t then you can eat, but chances are you were just thirsty.

Additionally, drinking cold water can help to boost your metabolism as your body has to work harder to warm the water up.

3. Drinking cold water can help you stay hydrated:

Obviously, this one is pretty self-explanatory but it’s worth mentioning nonetheless. When you’re properly hydrated, your skin looks better, you have more energy and you’re less likely to get sick.

4. Drinking cold water can help to clear up your skin:

Drinking plenty of water is essential for clear and healthy skin. When you’re properly hydrated, your skin looks plumper and more youthful. Drinking cold water can also help to close up pores which in turn can help to prevent dirt and bacteria from getting in and causing breakouts.

5. Drinking cold water can help to improve your digestion:

Water is essential for good digestion as it helps to move food through your digestive system. Cold water can also help to reduce bloating and constipation as it helps to firm up stools.

6. Drinking cold water can help to relieve headaches and migraines:

Dehydration is one of the most common triggers for headaches and migraines. When you drink cold water, it can help to rehydrate your body and in turn, help to get rid of a headache or migraine.

Cold water can also help to constrict blood vessels which in turn can improve circulation. This is especially beneficial for people who suffer from varicose veins.

7. Drinking cold water can boost your metabolism:

As mentioned earlier, drinking cold water can help to boost your metabolism as your body has to use energy to warm up the water.

A higher metabolism can lead to weight loss, increased energy levels and improved brain function.

8. Drinking cold water can help to improve your brain function:

Dehydration can have a negative impact on your brain function and cause problems with concentration, focus and memory.

When you drink cold water, it helps to rehydrate your body and improve your cognitive function.

9. Drinking cold water can help to prevent cramps:

Drinking cold water can help to prevent muscle cramps by keeping your muscles hydrated. When you’re properly hydrated, your muscles are less likely to seize up.

10. Drinking cold water can help to reduce the risk of cancer:

Several studies have shown that drinking cold water can help to reduce the risk of breast cancer, colon cancer and bladder cancer.

The theory is that the colder water helps to slow down the growth of tumors and in some cases, even kill cancer cells.

11. Drinking cold water can improve your cognitive function:

A study conducted by the University of Virginia showed that people who drank eight glasses of cold water a day for two weeks had improved their cognitive function.

The study found that the participants who drank cold water had increased blood flow to their brains which in turn improved their cognitive function.

12. Drinking cold water can help detox your body:

Water is essential for flushing toxins out of your system and keeping your organs functioning properly.

When you drink cold water, it helps to promote healthy digestion and can even help to reduce the risk of developing kidney stones.

13. Drinking cold water can help to boost your immune system:

Drinking cold water can help to improve your circulation and in turn, help to boost your immune system.

Improved circulation means that more oxygen and nutrients are being circulated around your body which can help to fight off infection and disease.

14. Drinking cold water can help you recover from a workout:

Drinking cold water after a workout can help to reduce muscle soreness as it helps to constrict blood vessels and reduce inflammation.

It can also help to rehydrate your body and replace the fluids that you lost during your workout.

15. Drinking cold water can make you feel more awake:

If you’re feeling tired, drinking a glass of cold water can help to perk you up as it will help to increase your heart rate and wake you up.

This is because the cold water gives your body a mini-shock which can help to jolt you awake.

Is it better to drink cold or cool water?

There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on the person. Some people prefer to drink cold water as it can help to boost your metabolism and wake you up. Other people prefer to drink cool water as it is easier on your stomach and can help to prevent cramps. Ultimately, it is up to the individual to decide what temperature of the water they prefer to drink.

Is it better to drink cold or warm water?

There is no definitive answer to this question as different people have different preferences. Some people find that cold water is more refreshing and invigorating, while others prefer warm water. There are also some health benefits associated with drinking cold water.

For example, drinking cold water can help to boost your metabolism and burn more calories. Cold water can also help to reduce inflammation and pain in the body. In addition, cold water can help to improve your circulation and digestion.

Overall, there are pros and cons to both drinking cold and warm water. Ultimately, it is up to you to decide which temperature of the water is best for you. Experiment with both and see what works best for you. Read more about the benefit of drinking hot water.

Bottom Line

There are many benefits to drinking cold water. Cold water can help to boost your metabolism, reduce inflammation and pain in the body, and improve circulation, and digestion. It can also help to detox your body and fight off infection. Ultimately, it is up to you to decide what temperature of the water is best for you. Try experimenting with both cold and warm water to see what works best for you.